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You shall not steal (a life). Why the brackets?

It is well known that the commandment 'You shall not steal' should really be rendered 'You shall not steal [a life]' ie Kidnap. The reason is extrapolated from the nature of the punishment - stealing not being a capital offence whereas kidnapping is. However the purpose of this post is not concerned with the basis of this change (we will take that as read on the authority of the Sages), but rather the reason for its lack of recognition. Even the Artscroll Tanach (Stone Edition) will relegate it to a small print footnote, why the disconnect?

In my opinion this question leads us to a schism that is fairly modern and is based on the disconnect between the 'value' of economic wealth moving from a 'connected-to-life' principle to a 'connected-to-itself' principle. For example in primitive times to steal a neighbors Goat was literally stealing a neighbors life, on several grounds - stealing food - stealing a husband from ones daughter (Dowry) - stealing the ability to offer sacrifice. These deprecation's were always tied with 'life' and the consequences were mediated as if ones life had been stolen. As life became more civilized and less connected to 'survival', the wealth became larger and more easily transacted, and less a matter of life and death, and much more about power. Indeed this move from 'life' to 'power' reinforced the punishment for theft to humiliation, and submission together with the possibility of one of the greatest tools of power the possibility of 'a pardon'. True mercy was the option of the poor (there was no gain only compassion) whereas the pardon was a great political tool of the wealthy - indeed the indifference to theft, paradoxically reinforced ones perception as so rich even theft meant nothing to him.

As we moved into modern economics 'theft' itself became 'disguised' - theft of business was simply capitalist competition, and the 'pardon' - bankruptcy (maybe some might want to break that word down as an abbreviation of Bank - Corrupt-acy) - where indeed the hidden punishment would now be 'stealing ones life' in total contradiction to the commandment. Most wealth theft was now covered by 'insurance' so the notion of 'theft of life' became more and more obscured. Debt proliferated as a trade for power and honor in a world that was suffering more and more of a disconnect between life and wealth and indeed rather than becoming more magnanimous the worlds wealth was skimmed off the top to serve self interest, rather than improve the life of all as everything was reduced to the 'bottom line', never the top! The pursuit of wealth or rather tokens of it - ie 'money' were mediated by the 'commandment' or 'fiat' of the banks (hence the term 'fiat currency' "it is worth what I say it is worth" - (nowadays with no backup in tangible wealth whatsoever)) the ultimate idolatry! Every person, animal, plant and tree on this planet is now held hostage to an infinite growth paradigm that requires our economy to grow exponentially to serve so-called 'interest' payments! The penalty for failure is the stealing of life of the individual, the animal, the plant indeed the whole world - Noah taught what could go wrong - as we corrupted the Creation - is it any wonder then that 'You shall not steal' is in the Noahide Codes? We fail to heed the warning because we seem to be willfully suppressing the true meaning of steal as "You shall not steal a life", transforming the commandment and losing the wisdom, in my opinion.

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